Becoming physically more active therefore is a way of improving every aspect of one's health and well-being. Although most of us take up exercise hoping to improve one particular aspect of our health, the great thing about it is that it is virtually impossible to improve one part without affecting the other aspects for the better.
Being physically fit in everyday terms means that you can go about your normal work without feeling fatigued. This is a very useful quality and should not be thought of as necessary only for sportsmen and manual laborers. Physical fitness has three components Strength, Stamina and Suppleness. Strength implies having powerful muscles that can push and lift heavy objects easily. For strength, one needs to do exercises that pit one's muscles against some resisting force - such as water in swimming, gravity in weight lifting, or a pedal in cycling.
Stamina or staying power is the capacity to keep on doing an activity that uses up a lot of energy, for a long time without getting tired. Suppleness is the ability to move one's body freely bending, twisting and turning. This facility can be developed by doing exercises that move the joints.
A physical exercise program can definitely help you to trim your figure by toning up your muscles. But to be really successful in losing those extra flabby kilos, you should combine your effort with a change in diet that cuts down the extra calories you have been consuming. Exercises that improve the flexibility and strength of abdominal wall muscles will tighten those jelly--like "spare tyres" and improve posture. Exercises that depend on good coordination (for example aerobic dancing, or racquet games like squash and badminton) can make one more agile and graceful.
Most people find that, all these benefits, plus the very feeling of "being fit", combine to give them an increased sense of well-being and confidence - which in turn puts a "spring in their step and a sparkle in their eyes" that naturally improves personal appearance.
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